Transcomplexity of megatendencies

Towards a culture of peace in times of pandemic



transcomplexity, megatrends, culture of peace, pandemic


This essay deals with the transcomplexity of megatrends towards a culture of peace in times of pandemic. The need for adaptation of the human being to the turns, loops, uncertainty of the environment and its fickleness in the face of unexpected and irrepressible variations called megatrends arises. This is based on the documentary analysis of the position of different authors regarding the theoretical debate of the studied phenomenon, its relationship with management and the requirement of a culture of peace for the survival and generational projection of the human being; trying to instigate the concepts involved from history to the present, to establish their relationship with management, which allowed generating unfinished and perfectible reflections about the fact that reality is not only complex, but transcomplex: leaving in evidence that the megatrends that were erected Less than five years ago, categorical imperatives have been postponed, giving way to a new world order product of the COVID-19 pandemic, which threatens human life and requires a view from a new ontology and axiology to generate epistemes, which are carried to praxis based on a culture of peace, guarantee its existence.


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Author Biography

David Carmelo Tovar Angulo, Aviación Militar Bolivariana

Postdoctorante Universidad Yacambú
Lara - Venezuela.                                                                                                                                                             


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How to Cite

Tovar Angulo, D. C. (2021). Transcomplexity of megatendencies: Towards a culture of peace in times of pandemic. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 131–142. Retrieved from