Behind the position: experiences and learning from a university Dean



Dean, university, experiences, learning


The present study is aimed at analyzing the characteristics of the work carried out by the highest figure of a Higher Education institution, such as the dean. It is understood that the selection and appointment process is different in each university. In all of them, the selection is made by the direct boss (Rector). This extensive argument is located under a documentary-type investigation and a bibliographic review, aimed at examining what is related to the role of the dean in the university institution, taking a tour of its main characteristics and functions among other considerations. It is concluded that these elements represent traits, behaviors and behaviors that, in their exercise, they assume as part of their job performance. In addition, they will be constantly learning, thereby increasing their experience in relationships between other authority figures, teachers and students.


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Author Biography

Cristina Virgüez, Universidad Yacambù, Cabudare-Venezuela

Abogada. Magister en Ciencias penales y Criminológicas. Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad Yacambù.


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Marín-Idárraga, D. y Losada, L. (2015). Estructura organizacional y relaciones interorganizacionales: análisis en Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud públicas de Colombia. Universidad ICESI. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U.

Morales-Alejandro, L. (2001). Desde la silla del decano. Disertación presentada al Departamento de Estudios Graduados Facultad de Educación Universidad de Puerto Rico, para obtener el grado de Doctor en Educación.

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Universidad de los Andes (s/f) Atribuciones Decanato.

Universidad Yacambù (2022). Vicerrectorado Académico. Manual de Organización.



How to Cite

Virgüez, C. (2024). Behind the position: experiences and learning from a university Dean. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(2), 223–238. Retrieved from