Transcomplex vision of Neuromanagement as an epistemological neo-approach for university management



transcomplex, neuromanegement, management


Universities as propellants of knowledge, from the teleological point of view must be axes of transformation and development. A transcomplex world demands a new model of university management to debate the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the breakdown of old schemes, from an integrative action, apply new tools such as neuromanegement to stimulate neural connections related to managerial praxis, including working memory, executive functions, the attention process, decision-making, etc. according to scientific studies from neuroscience, psychology and other sciences. In this way, in a transcomplex, transdisciplinary and integrative way, according to the emergency principle, it opens up to new realities, being light in a dialogical way the complexities of human and managerial life. This research aims to generate a corpus of theoretical reflections, from the transcomplex perspective, about neuromanegement, as a tool for the transformation of the university management process. It is the product of documentary Hermeneusis framed in the qualitative approach, with the support of the transcomplex episteme, with an analytical-descriptive level. The novelty is evidenced by its reflexivity, transdisciplinary relationship and contribution to managerial praxis that start from the knowing and integral being.


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Author Biography

María Auxiliadora Campos Medina, Universidad Nacional Abierta

Postdoctorante Universidad Yacambú
Barquisimeto - Lara - Venezuela


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How to Cite

Campos Medina, M. A. (2021). Transcomplex vision of Neuromanagement as an epistemological neo-approach for university management. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 143–152. Retrieved from