Sustainability as a strengthening factor in university institutional environmental performance in the Department of Atlantico - Colombia



sustainability, environmental performance, green university


This research was developed in order to respond to the general objective of analyzing sustainability as a strengthening factor in the environmental performance of a University, located in Department of Atlántico, Colombia. To this end, it was inscribed in the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, in a field study, descriptive, with a non-experimental, transverse design. To collect the information, a standardized instrument called UI Green Metric World University Ranking was administered, which was developed by the University of Indonesia taking into account several sustainability evaluation systems and academic rankings of universities in vigor.  Required data was provided by the person in charge of environmental management on the two campuses of the institution in the context of the research. The researcher also applied a checklist.  Information was analyzed with descriptive statistics; which allowed concluding the following: The university has a favorable trend regarding sustainability and academic performance, on indicators of facilities and infrastructure; energy and climate change: waste and recycling; water and transportation. It is recommended to strengthen research in order to improve performance and apply for accreditation as a green university.


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Author Biography

Sandra Margarita Villa Marenco, Institución Universitaria ITSA - Colombia

Docente Catedrática
Barranquilla - Colombia


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How to Cite

Villa Marenco, S. M. (2021). Sustainability as a strengthening factor in university institutional environmental performance in the Department of Atlantico - Colombia. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(2), 41–53. Retrieved from



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