The autonomy of the crime of femicide from the perspective of criminology

A look with a woman's essence and gender perspective



autonomy, femicide, criminology, gender perspective


The main purpose of this article, which is part of the criminal and criminological sciences, is to analyze the autonomy of the crime of femicide from the perspective of criminology. A look with the essence of woman and gender perspective was based on the interpretative paradigm, qualitative approach, oriented in phenomenology, which interprets and understands the meanings in the speeches of people. The technique for the collection of information was the in-depth interview and validation of experts, directed to three (03) professionals, one (01) Judge, one (01) Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor's Office and one (01) Criminologist. According to the findings obtained, it was possible to agree that the crime of femicide is considered an autonomous and independent crime and that its autonomy is reflected in the preamble of the Organic Law on the Right of Women to a Life Free of Violence, The contribution that criminology provides to this phenomenon is to study the victim, the perpetrator as well as the causes and consequences for the materialization of the same, it contributes to the investigative innovation, as well as to prevent these facts, in order to avoid victimization, impunity and to have access to justice.


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Author Biography

Marco Luis Fernández Leal, Universidad Yacambú - Venezuela

Maestrante de Cs. Penales y Criminológicas
Lara- Venezuela                                                                                                                                               


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How to Cite

Fernández Leal, M. L. (2021). The autonomy of the crime of femicide from the perspective of criminology: A look with a woman’s essence and gender perspective. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(2), 71–85. Retrieved from



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