The mexican energy sector and its future based on renewable energies



energy sector, renewable energy, energy reforms, climate change, primary energy


In the years 2015-2018, just after the promulgation of the energy reform 2013-2014, the situation in México's energy sector worsened. These problems were motivated by the accumulation of erroneous energy policy decisions that arose due to the reversal of a long-term international oil market boom, not foreseen by the Mexican authorities. Although México has a high potential for ER development, only a low percentage of this energy has been used (ie 1.7% and 2.3% in wind and geothermal energy). Therefore, there are many investment opportunities to improve its use.

México ranks fourth in geothermal power generation worldwide (958 MW). Although the current energy generation from solar technologies is low, it has high potential because it is among the five most striking countries in the world to invest in this renewable source. It is expected that in the mid-2020s the country consumes less   gasoline, diesel and other fuels than at present, despite population growth. Therefore, the government and the oil companies must reconcile the rapid process of substitution of energy initiated at international level with a very fast pace for the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the Mexican territory in 2025 onwards. They must accelerate the development of non-fossil energy sources.


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How to Cite

Gesto Rodríguez, J. (2022). The mexican energy sector and its future based on renewable energies. Revista Honoris Causa, 14(2), 70–100. Retrieved from



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