Management from the expectation of the llanero producer in agricultural companies



management, agroecology, sustainable development, agricultural producer


This paper was developed to present the management based on agroecology for sustainable development from the expectations of the plains producer, considering the scenario of the state of Barinas through the interpretation of the meanings of the actors themselves: producer manager who lives in his farm, producer manager of La Morita sector, producer manager who lives in the town, producer manager who lives in the city, producer of Ramal de Libertad. The ascription approach is qualitative from the conception of knowledge as a social construction, an epistemological posture for the understanding of the meaning of human action linked to the phenomenological-hermeneutic method towards intersubjective interpretation. The findings reveal that management knowledge based on agroecology is not being managed for sustainable development. In conclusion, the transfer of managerial knowledge from those who produce it to those who use it has an impact on the performance of individuals, being a vital tool for the organization of agro-ecology in Barinas to become more competitive, humane and environmentalist through managerial praxis.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Mendoza, I. S. (2022). Management from the expectation of the llanero producer in agricultural companies. Revista Honoris Causa, 14(2), 180–197. Retrieved from



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