Venezuelan cinema: an educational alternative to stimulate critical thinking



venezuelan cinema, pedagogical foundation, critical thinking, educational alternative, thought stimulation


This article deals with the educational reality in Venezuela, regarding the pedagogical alternatives that teachers have to stimulate critical thinking; the study had the objective of establishing the pedagogical foundation of cinema to stimulate critical thinking. The study used was based on the qualitative paradigm, the qualitative-interpretative method and the documentary design, the information gathering instrument was the observation guide, in which some questions were drafted adjusted to the subject treated, that is to say to the categories, subcategories and specifically to the units of analysis, so that the researcher could answer them with the help of the documents consulted. The results showed that the educational foundation of cinema is given in terms of the operational-technical, conceptual and instrumental components, which involve their personality, ways of thinking and attitude towards life. In addition, they are focused as an enriching strategy as they serve as an instrument to contextualize the academic contents combining the learning systems to achieve a functional learning in the students, it is concluded that the cinema fosters critical thinking in the students so that they can be guarantors of relating the information they receive with the environment that surrounds them.


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Author Biography

Alexander Javier Leal Sulbarán,

Lcdo. en comunicación, mención: Periodismo Audiovisual, de la Universidad del Zulia; Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria, Instituto Universitario Adventista de Venezuela; Investigador independiente.


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How to Cite

Leal Sulbarán, A. J. (2023). Venezuelan cinema: an educational alternative to stimulate critical thinking. Revista Honoris Causa, 15(1), 27–43. Retrieved from



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