Teaching work: a reflection From the rationality of the practical curriculum



teaching task, teacher, curriculum, practical rationality of the curriculum


The current times deserve the transformation in education and teaching; therefore, it is important to look at our work as teachers to reflect on how much we are contributing to the formation of an integral human being and to the construction of a better world. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the teaching task from the point of view of the practical rationality of the curriculum, understanding it as the ideal way to strengthen curricular proposals aimed at understanding the environment and its subjects, encouraging consensus and the practice of values oriented to dialogue and the construction of significant knowledge. The teaching task is conceived as a space for actions and strategies oriented from the values and culture of the teacher, which is connected in turn with the curriculum as a cultural construction that can enable us to have contextualized, reflective, relevant and training-oriented educational spaces of a whole human being.


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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Lázaro Pineda, Universidad Yacambú (UNY)

Lcdo. En Administración. MSc. en Planificación de la Educación. Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y jefe del Departamento de Organización y Métodos de la Universidad Yacambú (UNY). carlos.lazaro@uny.edu.ve - clcarloslazaro@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Lázaro Pineda, C. A. (2023). Teaching work: a reflection From the rationality of the practical curriculum. Revista Honoris Causa, 15(1), 145–161. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/honoris-causa/article/view/287