Use of ICTs in the social, cultural and economic context of the venezuelan educational system



accessibility, connectivity, inequality, internet, multimodality, accessibility, connectivity, inequality, internet, multimodality


The post-pandemic period marks a transcendental step in an education where ICTs as part of multimodal systems will be the main mediator of the educational process. The development of these tools in Venezuela gained momentum at the beginning of the 21st century thanks to investment and institutional support, however, its consolidation is subject to social, political, economic, cultural, scientific, and technological factors. The analysis reveals that despite the fact that at first a significant growth of ICTs was observed due to government support, the economic and political crisis that occurred since 2013 reduced investment, creating a lag in telecommunications, which mainly affects connectivity, likewise there is a digital divide in the Venezuelan population that prevents them from having access to high-speed Internet connections and the acquisition of state-of-the-art technology equipment, however, given the need to create a multimodal platform that allows improving educational inclusion, through the use of technological tools, requires the state to seek investment alternatives, through alliances with the private sector to improve technological infrastructure and connectivity that is accessible to the majority of the population.


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Author Biographies

Olga Sofia Camacaro Mendoza, Universidad Yacambú

Doctorante en ciencias de la educación. MSc. En gerencia educacional. Ingeniero químico. Docente de investigación pregrado en la Universidad Yacambú. docente de operaciones unitarias y de Matemática I, Matemática II, Matemática III en la UFT (Universidad Fermín Toro).

Duilio Gilberto Torres Rodríguez, Universidad Lisandro Alvarado

Prof. titular de decanato de agronomía, director de programade ingeniería agronómica, Univesidad Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA). MSc. en ciencias del suelo. doctorante en ciencias del suelo. doctorante en ciencias de la educación. profesor invitado Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, autor de más de 60 articulos científicos, tutor de tesis de pregrado y postgrado UCLA, UNEXPO, UNY, UNEFM


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How to Cite

Camacaro Mendoza, O. S., & Torres Rodríguez, D. G. (2024). Use of ICTs in the social, cultural and economic context of the venezuelan educational system. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(1), 176–183. Retrieved from