Estrategias para el aprendizaje organizacional en la gerencia educativa

Una visión desde el enfoque integrador transcomplejo



focus transcomplex integrator, organizational learning, educational management, strategies


When man decides to form alliances or groups, many times the purpose corresponds not only to solving problems that affect them, but also, they seek to devise strategies, skills to offer society approaches aimed at the effective development of different sectors, one of them the educational one that impacts the life of each citizen. Faced with such an approach, the purpose of this essay consisted of generating a theoretical reflection on the strategies for organizational learning from the Transcomplex integrative approach, to assume organizational learning as an interactive and dialectical process in continuous improvement. Hence, its viability and relevance, lead us to reflect on the relevance of promoting it in educational institutions, given the scope they have in the progress of nations. These arguments allow to emphasize the need for a proactive and innovative manager who assumes and promotes organizational learning from a vision anchored to the Transcomplex Integrative Approach, to transcend immediacy, leave inflexibility and rigor, in a socio-historical analysis of what is the management today, with an innovative, relevant dynamic that contributes to individual and collective achievement.


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How to Cite

Montilla, N. (2021). Estrategias para el aprendizaje organizacional en la gerencia educativa: Una visión desde el enfoque integrador transcomplejo . Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 86–96. Retrieved from