Doctoral training in the professional development of university teachers

Reflections for educational transformation



doctoral training, professional development, university professor


The essay highlights the relevance of doctoral training as a favorable scenario for social transformation and the professional development of university teachers. It reflects on the responsibilities assigned by current legislation to Chilean universities regarding the generation, preservation and transmission of knowledge in various areas, from the sciences to the humanities, arts and technology. From this review, the fundamental role of the university professor in the educational promise of institutions towards their students and society is understood. When considering doctoral training in education, it is interpreted as a scenario for the production of innovative knowledge, where the disciplinary and research skills of the doctoral student are evident, in addition to the academic collaborations that are developed during their training journey. However, it is necessary to address various challenges that allow us to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the current context, therefore, reflections are presented on the need to promote critical-reflective thinking, support research and innovation, promote institutional support, value the diversity, promote continuous training and encourage collaboration between peers, through interdisciplinarity and ethics in the construction of the doctoral thesis.


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Author Biography

Samira Georgina Khazmou Nazi, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago de Chile

MSc. en Ciencias de la Computación. Ingeniero de Sistemas. Docente universitaria. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

Khazmou Nazi, S. G. (2024). Doctoral training in the professional development of university teachers: Reflections for educational transformation. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(1), 21–33. Retrieved from



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