The three axes that move the world of the entrepreneur's management



axes, management movement, entrepreneur


The entrepreneur in management plays a fundamental role, because the success of the venture depends on it. For this, there are three (3) axes to take into account: decision making, financial capacity and competitiveness, which are interrelated with the attitude of the entrepreneur, his management style and the way he manages financial resources. Through this article we present the interpretation made to the three axes that move the entrepreneur's management to improve the management of the enterprises, located in the Libertador Municipality of the Mérida state. The research has a qualitative approach, an interpretive paradigm, the method used was the phenomenological-hermeneutical. The inquiries were taken from five (5) entrepreneurs, with five (5) years established the ventures. This was achieved using an in-depth interview with a script of six (6) questions, two for each axis. The final considerations show strategies to improve the entrepreneur's managerial practice. It was recommended that you must have the responsibility, strength and passion as the basis for making effective decisions based on the appropriate resource, thus facilitating constant innovation and positively influencing the company, therefore, in the competitiveness demanded by the market and today's management.


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How to Cite

Arias Presilla, L. (2021). The three axes that move the world of the entrepreneur’s management. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 35–51. Retrieved from



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