Financial protection of inventory in inflationary environments, challenges for retail companies in Venezuela



financial protection, inventory, inflationary environments, retail sector.


Currently, large industrial corporations, including the retail sector, are aware that the way to respond to customers and reduce costs in times of inflationary crises involves combining financial protection mechanisms to find a balance between flexibility and complexity. In this sense, one of the areas with a strong impact on business is the inventory affected by economic vulnerabilities and the accelerated fluctuating rhythm. With this in mind, the objective is to analyze the financial protection of inventory in inflationary environments, as the greatest challenge for companies in the retail sector in Venezuela. Framed in the positivist paradigm, with quantitative approach, non-experimental design, in a field research type under the descriptive level, the analysis shows the points where they converge and allow comparing the results obtained from the consulted companies, which require imminent policies to maintain the inventory in the precise levels and of course managed accordingly as the fundamental objective to satisfy the demand and continue its operability in the current complex inflationary environment, with immediate answers to reach its objectives as a result of the different changing economic conditions.


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How to Cite

Araujo Calderón, M. (2024). Financial protection of inventory in inflationary environments, challenges for retail companies in Venezuela. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(2), 46–74. Retrieved from



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