Theoretical-experiential approach to knowledge management in transcomplex cyber communities



knowledge management, cybercommunities, transcomplexity


An appropriate knowledge management must be guided to guarantee a proper application of knowledge in the search for solutions to the critical knots that are observed in each individual's operating environment. The opening to technological learning scenarios, which enhance the interaction processes of people, promoting spaces to share information and knowledge. Thus, transcomplexity must be an emerging element of knowledge management in technological environments and an experiential construct in the actions of members of virtual communities. The experiences of this manuscript come from the review of bibliographic and electronic documents, the purpose of which is to share a tour of relevant aspects of knowledge management in virtual environments, assuming the postulates of Nonaka and Takeuchi (1999) and the transcomplex perspective as a new paradigm of construction of knowledge. An experiential approach to a cybercommunity that allows Knowledge Management from the Cross-Complex Interconnection is highlighted, a course designed for the UPEL postgraduate degree. The methodology used is a documentary review which allowed a tour of the theorists who contribute on knowledge management that could be contextualized in an analogous way in transcomplex technological environments.


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Author Biography

Karla Migdalia Flores Ferrer, Universidad Pedagógica Experiemental Libertador

Postdoctorante Universidad Yacambú
Barquisimeto - Lara - Venezuela


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How to Cite

Flores Ferrer, K. M. (2021). Theoretical-experiential approach to knowledge management in transcomplex cyber communities. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 88–98. Retrieved from