Teaching role in the construction of a culture of peace. Reflection, from comparative law in Venezuela and Ecuador



teaching role, culture of peace, comparative law


Education in values ​​of respect, tolerance and appreciation of diversity is essential for the progress of society, with emphasis on the culture of peace as a way of life that rejects violence and promotes respect, tolerance, equality, justice and solidarity; in all of which the teacher has a leading role. Hence, this article is the product of the reflection on the analysis of the teaching role in the construction of the culture of peace, from comparative law in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Ecuador. In this regard, legal sources in these States were analyzed in the development of the proposed purpose. So, the following is concluded: the role of the educational professional as a social promoter in the construction of a culture of peace; It must address co-responsibility in the training of citizens in the management of theoretical guidelines of human rights. The above is established and encouraged in the current legal system in Venezuela and Ecuador. It is recommended that educators strengthen the participation and integration of family and community, by becoming, together with the school, socializing agents par excellence, so that through activities and projects they can join forces in the promotion of values, behaviors manifested in non-violence. , where citizens are respected, they are considered valuable, unique and unrepeatable in interactions that found the culture of peace.



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How to Cite

Haro Inca, N. A., & Gutierrez de Fonseca, S. C. (2024). Teaching role in the construction of a culture of peace. Reflection, from comparative law in Venezuela and Ecuador. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(2), 203–222. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/honoris-causa/article/view/532