Hermeneutic task: substantive reflections for knowing in the social sciences



hermeneutic, hermeneutic task, social sciences


The purpose of this study is to generate holistic understandings of the hermeneutic task for knowledge in the social sciences. It derives from a heuristic process focused on the sequence of thinking, interpreting, and understanding the signifiers and linguistic meanings emerging in the historical contexts from the experiences of human beings, in order to broaden the horizons of reason and recreate authentic meanings in the world of life. The substantive reflections generated are built in the interpretative recursiveness, marked by the hermeneutic cycle proposed by Dilthey (1990) to reflect, to understand the whole, its parts and vice versa in order to build socially relevant knowledge. Finally, we understood that hermeneutics is a human task for knowing, it allows us to study exhaustively the cognizing world with others in order to generate scientific contributions as epistemic subjects. At the same time, it allows us to deploy a creative heuristic action to overcome epistemological obstacles in the systems of thought with which scientific communities operationalize knowledge to build a theoretical and practical knowledge with the everyday world in order to make them accessible to the whole society.


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Author Biographies

Yarinés Del Carmen Perdomo de Yépez, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador - UPEL-IPB

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. PHD en Complejidad y Desarrollo Humano en la Discapacidad. MSc. en Educación Especial. Lcda. en educación Especial Mención Retardo Mental. Cursante del Postdoctorado Hermenéutica y la Interpretación Científic. Prof. titular y Coordinadora del Programa de Educación Especial en Discapacidad Intelectual y del Desarrollo, UPEL-IPB. Coordinadora del Núcleo de Investigación Desarrollo Humano y Diversidad (UPEL-IPB).

Nichol José Alvarado Mendoza, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Doctor in Education UCLA UNEXPO UPEL, Master in Curriculum UPEL-IPB, Professor of Integral Education UPEL-IPB. Associate Professor at the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University, Libertador Experimental Pedagogical Institute. Curriculum Professor attached to the Department of Teacher Training in the Area of ​​Educational Technology, Didactic Axis and Heuristic Axis. Coordinator of the Line of Didactic Research and Teacher Training, Context Research Center and Socio-Educational Praxis. CICPSE UPEL IPB. Coordinator of the Curricular Innovations Research Line in and for Social Development, Teaching, Innovation and Technology Research Center.


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How to Cite

Perdomo de Yépez, Y. D. C., & Alvarado Mendoza, N. J. (2024). Hermeneutic task: substantive reflections for knowing in the social sciences. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(1), 4–20. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/honoris-causa/article/view/379



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