Collective imaginary of the cultural heritage; identity traits



cultural heritage, identity elements, collective imagine


The purpose of this study is to interpret the collective imagination of the cultural heritage; identity traits, which addresses the identification of the knowledge and actions that comprise it, visualizing the characteristics of the collective imagination and revealing the elements that constitute the cultural heritage. These elements refer to all the expressions that identify a community, region or nation, and what distinguishes it from others, from its everyday life to the highest aesthetic and scientific manifestations in favor of social well-being. This work is conceived in the interpretive paradigm, under a qualitative approach with a hermeneutic phenomenological methodology. The theoretical references are focused on the hermeneutical precepts of Gadamer G. and Ricoeurt P. Concatenated and linked with the theory of Social Imaginaries of Castoriadis C. In addition, reference is made to the studies of the National School of Popular Cultures, emerging the detailed analysis in matrices, where the edges were extended for the interpretation and understanding of the Cultural Heritage, its intricacies and dimensions. In conclusion, the cultural heritage is shaped and activates the totality of expressions that make up the collective imagination, thus emerging, in short, our identity, loaded with a complex cultural baggage that goes from generation to generation.


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Author Biography

Haddiel José Colmenárez Rangel, Doctorando en Cultura Latinoamericana y Caribeña

Lcdo. en Educación Integral con área de concentración en Lengua y literatura. Lcdo en Educación para las Artes mención teatro. MSc. en Ciencias de la Educación. Doctorando en Cultura Latinoamericana y Caribeña.


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How to Cite

Colmenárez Rangel, H. J. (2024). Collective imaginary of the cultural heritage; identity traits. Revista Honoris Causa, 16(1), 95–109. Retrieved from



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