Coexistence as a climate enhancer in the classroom
A phenomenological vision
Empowering coexistence, classroom climate, phenomenological visionAbstract
The purpose of this article was to generate an approach based on the perceptions and beliefs about coexistence as an enhancer of the climate in the classroom that teachers and heads of the Libertador Department School have. The Ontological Level was through the intersubjectivity of a social reality constituted by the seven social actors chosen with specific parameters and interpreted by the author. Epistemologically, it is based on Social Constructivism. The Phenomenological-Hermeneutical Method made it possible to capture reality as a holistic whole, since it seeks, through the knowledge of social actors, to build “that experiential reality” of the phenomenon under study. The in-depth interview supports the scientificity of said research, making triangulation possible, which originated the emerging categories: Human Development, Attitude, Self-esteem, Effective Communication and values, with their respective subcategories, where the findings showed that the emerging categories mentioned must be present for the articulation between educational entities, highlighting the importance of raising awareness in the environment in favor of educational quality and standard of living; that optimize the training and permanent updating of teachers to reaffirm the academic tasks, rights and knowledge around the conclusive reflective phenomenon in execution of the climate in the classroom.
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