University education: text, discourse and context text
university, text, discourse, contextAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze university education as a text, discourse and context, assumed as a space that transcends the fact of being a physical structure or place where one is going to learn to obtain a degree. It is something with a higher sense and meaning than that, which gives it a role of co-responsibility before the environments (prosocial awareness) because it is, according to the law, a community of human interests, where teachers and students converge, among other subjects, with the primary task of seeking progress in the personal as well as in the community – the planetary or systemic –. Four main categories emerge from this qualitative documentary study: university, text, discourse, context. These, in turn, led to the goal of analyzing their meaning and significance with derived subcategories: teaching performance (professional deontology), biopsychosocial characteristics of students (archetypes), and co-responsibility for the environment (prosocial awareness). From there, it can be inferred that the ethical practice of a professional in any labor system branch is a reflection of the training received, to a certain degree; this does not annul the fact that there is also a degree of personal responsibility based on the social learning that he has accumulated throughout his life. So, there is a range of convergent aspects, starting with training (as an educational fact) and, with it the performance of the university teacher as well as the biopsychosocial characteristics of the student - with their consequent archetypes - who pursue learning.
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