Looking towards the future in the digital competencies of the primary education teacher



digital competences, teaching-learning, primary education


This argumentative essay aimed to critically analyze the digital competencies of primary education teachers in the face of the emerging challenges of innovation and flexibility of teaching-learning in the present and into the future. It was based on documentary research, using the recording technique, by selecting the contributions of various authors on the key subtopics: foundations of teacher digital competence, technological tools in the primary education classroom and technological integration in the curriculum: models and strategies. Among the most relevant conclusions, it stands out that the teacher's digital skills, combined with new attitudes towards technology, open active scenarios to improve educational quality. This scenario is reflected in the ability of teachers to address blended and online learning methods, strategies, adopting innovative approaches that transcend traditional challenges. The proactive and participatory perspective is evident in the creative design of resources and the effective management of knowledge in digital environments, underlining the importance of adaptability and innovation. Regarding the integration of technological tools in primary education, it is concluded that this redefinition of teaching methods enriches the learning experience. From interactive applications to multimedia resources, technological tools allow teachers to select specific content and apply strategies adapted to individual learning styles. In terms of the prospective perspective, it suggests that the contribution of this essay lies in providing a critical and reflective vision on the digital competencies of the teacher and the integration of technologies in primary education, serving as a guide for professionals and policymakers in the evolution constant of 21st century education.


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Author Biography

Vilma Rosa Tampoa Guanipa, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador – Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto.

Profesora en Educación Integral. MSc. en Investigación Educativa. Doctorante en Educación.



How to Cite

Tampoa Guanipa, V. R. (2023). Looking towards the future in the digital competencies of the primary education teacher. Revista Honoris Causa, 15(2), 185–194. Retrieved from https://revista.uny.edu.ve/ojs/index.php/honoris-causa/article/view/366