Non-governmental organizations from the paradigm of development sustainable human



non-governmental organizations, sustainable human development, sustainable development goals


The purpose of the essay was to present the conceptual contextualization of the Sustainable Human Development and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) paradigm, based on the review of scientific articles and bibliographic material to develop an approach from an interpretative paradigmatic position with a hermeneutical approach. The study was inserted in the Organizational and Managerial Management research line of the Yacambú University. It was concluded that NGOs are conceived from a management philosophy with commitment towards workers, the community, users and society in general, which is in tune with the economic, social and environmental dimensions of Sustainable Human Development and the Objectives of the Sustainable Development (SDG) of the United Nations. In this sense, it constitutes a contribution to the management field, given its increasing complexity and that, as we believe, there is a need to adopt an innovative approach in the management of organizations from an approach with a transcomplex approach.


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Author Biography

Francy Lisseth Montoya Gámez, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado

Postdoctorante Universidad Yacambú
Barquisimeto - Lara - Venezuela


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How to Cite

Montoya Gámez, F. L. (2021). Non-governmental organizations from the paradigm of development sustainable human. Revista Honoris Causa, 13(1), 153–164. Retrieved from