Transforming educational management: information and communication technologies are changing the landscape
information and communication technologies, educational management, digital divideAbstract
This research analyzes how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are transforming educational management. The methodology was oriented towards a qualitative approach, employing a phenomenological design to explore the experiences and perceptions of educational actors regarding the effectiveness and use of ICT. The study was conducted in five educational institutions in the Province of Manabí, Ecuador. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with a total of ten participants, including principals, coordinators, and teachers, and an analysis of institutional documents was conducted. The results revealed that ICT has significantly improved administrative management and the quality of the educational process by facilitating greater interactivity and personalized learning. However, challenges were also identified, such as the lack of adequate training for staff and the digital divide, which disproportionately affects institutions in disadvantaged areas. Document analysis complemented the information obtained through the interviews, corroborating the implementation and regulation of ICT in educational practices. This research provides a comprehensive view of how ICT influences educational management, highlighting the need for effective strategies to overcome obstacles and maximize the benefits of these technologies in different educational contexts.
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