Emotional intelligence in the academic management of undergraduate teachers in the Faculty of Dentistry from the University of Carabobo
emotional intelligence, academic management, teaching skillsAbstract
Emotional intelligence develops throughout existence, it facilitates the coherence and integration of the subject with their environment; As an integral part of the individual, it is an indispensable tool for the efficient performance of academic management. In this sense, the performance of the university professor qualifies academic management with pedagogical skills, which are applied according to the particularities of each course that seek to positively impact the student. This range of emotional intelligence skills in the pedagogical and personal competencies of the classroom teacher are manifested in academic management for the benefit of students and society. Aresearch is then presented that aimed to analyze emotional intelligence in the academic management of undergraduate teachers at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Carabobo. Framed in the positivist paradigm with a quantitative and descriptive approach. It was a non-experimental transectional study, with a population of thirty-five (35) teachers from the undergraduate area of said faculty. The analysis of the data with descriptive statistics allowed us to conclude weakness in the majority of teachers, in terms of intra- and interpersonal emotional intelligence skills; which limits academic management in terms of pedagogical skills of commitment and innovation, as well as personal skills to communication and conflict management.
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