Teacher 2.0, new role for the teaching-learning process in innovative educational practices
teacher 2.0, teaching-learning, innovative practiceAbstract
The main purpose of this essay is to describe the 2.0 teacher and his new role for the teaching-learning process in innovative educational practices. The methodology is framed in a documentary study, using approaches from different authors of the study topic obtained in digital scientific journals, reflecting reflective positions as researchers on the topic addressed. It is said that teacher 2.0 is an educational practice, as it is described by making use of the digital services offered by web 2.0, which is characterized by being dynamic and interactive, represented mainly by different social networks, blogs, wikis, etc. others. Also, the website offers a great diversity of options, therefore, it allows its adaptation to the educational field, where the teacher makes use of them, adapting them to his actions according to the needs presented in the classroom. It can be concluded that Web 2.0, considered dynamic, due to its wide variety of tools adaptable to the educational environment, are very useful to carry out the teaching-learning process in an innovative way, allowing creativity in each student, therefore, it is up to each teacher to break that traditional model which sometimes turns out to be monotonous and colonized.
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